
The Evolution of Claims Automation

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SVP of Global Product Strategy and AI, Mitchell, An Enlyte Company

COVID-19 has hastened the pace of digital transformation in many industries, 包括汽车保险. 当大流行开始时, 航空公司和碰撞维修公司被迫寻找创造性的方法来限制员工和客户之间不必要的面对面互动. 这导致了 rapid adoption of virtual, or photo-based, estimating. For insurers and repairers, virtualization 支持以下需求 社会距离, accelerates the claims handling process, improves efficiency and increases customer satisfaction. According to LexisNexis Risk 亚博真人官方版APP, 95% of auto insurance carriers are embracing virtual claims handling, 许多人将目光投向了自动化的圣杯:非接触式估算. By 2025, the global data and analytics company predicts that more than 80%的索赔 处理过程将是虚拟的,多达一半的非伤害索赔将完全自动化. So what does this mean for the auto insurance sector? While the pandemic has illustrated the benefits of virtualization, truly automated or “touchless” estimates remain the ultimate goal. Achieving that goal, however, requires a technological evolution. 尽管有商业动机, 客户期望和全球流行病等外部激励因素起着催化剂的作用, the transition from onsite inspections to full automation will take time.

我认为, 今天, 没有人工干预的全自动评估可以准确地产生是虚构的.

A Deceptive View of Automation

To understand the trajectory of claims automation, 我们必须首先解决对当前非接触式估算状态的误解. 我认为, 今天, 没有人工干预的全自动评估可以准确地产生是虚构的. In many ways, it’s analogous to recent exaggerated assertions about the prowess of self-driving vehicles. While technology advancements have led to increased automation, the need for human oversight and intervention remains necessary. 此外, 支持完全自动化的端到端系统所需的基础设施和法规仍在不断发展.

为什么 Touchless Estimates Are the Holy Grail

To stay competitive and meet increasing 消费者需求 for better response times and self-service capabilities, insurance carriers are on a quest for the Holy Grail: touchless estimates. 为什么? An automated appraisal process is expected to deliver:

要想成功, 虽然, 运营商在引入自动化时必须考虑他们自己独特的工作流程需求. A one size fits all approach may work for field estimating, 但是一个可扩展的, automated appraisal solution requires an open, flexible and cloud-based ecosystem that can easily integrate with other critical business applications. Open ecosystems, like the one powering Mitchell 智能评估, 使亚博真人官方版APP能够简化运营,并不断利用一流的技术 reduce the reliance on human effort as they build out an automated claims experience.

趋势 Driving 更高的 Efficiency

从现场检查到非接触式索赔的演变有三个趋势, 或者自动化水平. These levels are not sequential. 而不是, 随着用于自动化评估的人工智能(AI)变得更加成熟,它们正在被并行开发和部署.


虚拟评估 极大地提高了效率,并展示了使用照片捕获来产生准确评估的能力. 如前所述,这 检验方法 依赖于图像和视频. 尽管虚拟估价将照片置于评估师工作流程的中心, it’s primarily human and not machine driven.

  • Customers start the claims process on their mobile devices, 并指导如何捕捉和分享损坏的照片和视频.
  • 人工智能被用来对导入的图像进行分类和组织,并检测和突出显示车辆的损坏部分.
  • 应用程序本质上为评估人员提供了360度的损害视图, 让他们写出一个初步的估计,就好像他们是在车辆而不是在一个遥远的地方.

Prior to COVID-19, virtual estimating was used for low severity claims. Compared to other inspection methods, it accounted for just 占所有估计数的6% written in the United States last year and 4% in Canada. Following the start of the pandemic, those percentages quickly jumped to 13%. Field appraisers performing onsite estimates can typically complete 每天三到四次 when factoring in administrative tasks and travel time. Working from images, however, allows the appraiser to finish approximately 每天估计15到20次.


从手写评估到机器编写评估的下一步涉及人机协作. AI guides the appraiser through each decision point. 指导性评估的目标是在利用人工智能提供有用建议的同时,赋予评估师更多的权力. 在这种自动化水平上,机器越来越多地参与到生产过程中. Al虽然 the appraisers remain in control, 提供给他们的信息和决策是由人工智能提供的,评估的每一个顺序行都被建议供评估师考虑. Guided estimating goes beyond virtual estimating by:

  • Driving a Set of AI Predictions That Recognize the Damage to Components
  • Turning These Predictions Into Repair Line Recommendations for the Appraiser
  • 提供支持性证据,并授权估价师编辑和整合他或她自己的专业知识
  • 支持持续的反馈循环,使评估师的决定能够教育AI


The final level of automation is, 当然, fully automated or touchless estimating—including all operations, 由人工智能根据车辆和索赔数据生成的零件选择和定价. Here’s how this predominantly machine-driven process works:

  • Like virtual and guided estimating, touchless estimates start with capturing claim details and vehicle content.
  • 然后使用计算机视觉和其他机器学习算法分析该内容,将其转换为组件级估计线.
  • 然后,人工智能预填充整个估计值,供评估师审查和批准.

超出估计的自动化, 额外的数据集成将帮助亚博真人官方版APP进一步简化索赔流程. 最终, 通过整合远程信息处理事故报告,理赔有可能更快地得到解决, 贷款偿还金额, titled/registered owner information, and taxes and fees into the workflow. 事实上,比尔·布劳尔 LexisNexis Risk 亚博真人官方版APP predicts “到2025年,至少40%的总损失索赔将在几天内而不是几周内得到解决."

Partnering to Deliver the Best Outcome

从现场评估到非接触式索赔的转变不是在真空中完成的,也不是完全由机器完成的, 就此而言. Appraisers are key to developing and improving the process. By introducing automation gradually, 他们可以建立对AI的信心,同时通过持续的反馈完善结果. Creating an experience where guidance is clear, 可行的和, 最重要的是, transparent helps build trust between humans and machines. 由人机协作驱动的流程可以大大提高速度和准确性, 但这需要时间. That doesn’t mean that carriers shouldn’t get started 今天—they should. When it comes to meeting consumer needs and staying competitive, the question isn’t whether or not to automate appraisals. 而是哪个伙伴 has the experience and expertise 通过最好地支持组织索赔流程的发展,帮助您实现目标.